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Re: libglide2x.so

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Dave Sherohman wrote:

esper >I just picked up a copy of the Linux version of Myth2 and haven't been able
esper >to get it to work.  There are two issues currently, both Glide-related and
esper >both ignored by the 3Dfx-HOWTO:

last i checked the 3dfx howto was VERY outdated, yeah 1998..damn. almost 2
years old.

esper >
esper >1)  I got the 3Dfx and Glide drivers from linux.3dfx.com, used alien to
esper >convert their rpms to debs, and installed them.  Their test program 
esper >(test3Dfx) runs fine for root, 

you running potato? i got _nothing_ but segfaults when i installed the
binaries from linux.3dfx.com had to compile from source(im running slink)

esper >but segfaults if a normal user tries to run
esper >it.  Their site suggests that you try running it both as root and as a normal
esper >user, but doesn't say anything about how to troubleshoot it if it doesn't
esper >work for non-root users.  Any suggestions on how to get that working?

since i do all my stuff as root i dont have much to suggest other then
make sure the user can access the /dev/3dfx device, which i believe was
designed so non-root users can access the card. also make sure the module
is inserted and that /dev/3dfx exists -- mine:

crw-rw-rw-   1 root     root     107,   0 Dec 11 02:21 /dev/3dfx

esper >2)  When I try to start up Myth2 (whether as root or not) it dies because it
esper >can't open libglide2x.so.  Both the Glide2 and Glide3 packages from
esper >linux.3dfx.com include libglide3x.so.  Where can I find a libglide2x?

libglide2x is from linux.3dfx.com as well, libglide3x i think is for
developers only and not many things use it(yet)


the link:


that file did not work for me i had to compile it from source, but the
libs i got are:

lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           16 Dec 11 15:07
/usr/lib/libglide2x.so -> libglide2x_V3.so
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       411189 Sep 27 13:42

make sure you are using a voodoobanshee or voodoo3 if you use those
drivers, if you are using a voodoo1 or voodoo or voodoo rush they won't
work(you didnt specify) i cant advise on drivers for the other ones as i
have never tried them.


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