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Re: need HELP /* upgrading */

> hi,
> I am trying to upgrade the slink to potato.  Got some questions:
> 1. glibc2.1 is required for most recent applications.  The version of it
> in slink, i believe, is something 2.0.xx.  So which package should I
> upgrade first?

run apt-get update and then apt-get -s dist-upgrade. This way you'll be able 
to see what apt-get will do if you'll use it.

> 2. How to search a package by name?  either in installed list or on ftp
> site?  I am using dselect.

>From dselect selection list, press /, key in the pacakge name and press enter.
Another option is www.debian.org/ditrib/packages.

> 3. how to uninstall mozilla?  It just does not work for me.

dpkg --purge mozilla or something like that in case you install the deb 
package of mozilla.

> 4. how to make a bootable cdrom for potato (unstable release)?  If it can
> be done, I am going to give it a fresh install instead of upgrading.  I
> know, upgrading is pain in the ***.  I've already have 200M main/binary
> What else do I need?  If possible, I'd like to use wget.....

Upgrading with apt-get is much easier and quicker then making a CD IMHO.

> thanks,
> jack
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