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Re: A small "problem" with IP Masq'ing

are you actually using a proxy? i.e. squid or something similar? ipmasq
wasn't really designed with games(other then quake) in mind..you may want
to try a real proxy(i use both, using the proxy for web caching
purposes) many games support accessing the net through a proxy
server..those that dont..well you could try to setup firewall rules to
forward the packets..but i doubt that would work too well.

if your brother is a big online gamer i suggest you get him his own ip. or
start pressuring game companies to standardize on ports for games so
programmers and big companies alike can start developing software to take
those into account.


On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, David Grill Watson wrote:

dgwats >I have a small home network (4 computers, will be 5 when I get a dedicated
dgwats >machine for IP Masq'ing), with mainly Linux clients and a few on-off Windoze
dgwats >boxes (i.e. for games :).  It all works fairly well for getting email,
dgwats >ICQ, browsing the web, and such... but playing internet games (or at
dgwats >least Jedi Knight, which is what my brother has been complaining about :)
dgwats >doesn't seem to work except on the host.
dgwats >
dgwats >The problem seems to be that this game needs to have a whole ton of ports
dgwats >(6667, plus 28800-29000) redirected so they get thru the proxy.  I've been
dgwats >looking around for some program to do this, and haven't had much success... the
dgwats >ones which look promising don't compile, and stuff like that.  Redir works with
dgwats >one port, but it would be a real pain (and probably a load on the server - i.e.
dgwats >my computer :) to be running it with that many ports.
dgwats >
dgwats >So, any suggestions as to what I should do?  Has anyone done something similar?
dgwats >
dgwats >Thanks in advance...
dgwats >
dgwats >-David G. Watson
dgwats >
dgwats >
dgwats >-- 
dgwats >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
dgwats >

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