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How do I install Netscape with Debian?

I'm confused on how to install Netscape using the available Debian packages.
>From what I've read, it sounds like all I need to do is: download the
tarball from Netscape (Linux 2.0 glibc version); put it into the /tmp
directory; and then apt-get install netscape4, a package which should
automagically install the tarball for me.

Is this off base?

Why are there so many netscape/navigator/communicator packages listed when I
run dselect --- smotif, dmotif, base, java, etc.? Do I need any of these, too?

Information overload...

David J. Kanter

"Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
and coincidences."
  -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University

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