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Re: Mailing list headers [Was Re: ssh vs telnet - which is faster?]

On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, RAVIKANT K RAO wrote:

ravika >   yeah , i think pine defaults that way too - kinda sucks - one of the
ravika >many reasons i shifted pine -> mutt full time.

ive been usin pine since 95 and its hard to switch..looked at mutt tho and
it looks cool.

ravika >filter *owner-linux-kernel-digest* or *linux-kernel* in either the subject
ravika >and/or headers so you can filter their mail using procmail to your
ravika >required folder. poke around the FAQ there if you're *Really* desperate.

ok thanks! i'll check it out.  another reasonf or multiple accounts(a good
side effect really) is that i am getting some spam on this account and it
doesnt show up in my main account even tho my real email address(s) are
in my sig.

ravika >  but if you're on debian all the time , IMHO , lucid rules - check it
ravika >out. but if you're not the emacs kinda guy , i imagine you wont like it.

in terms of mail yeah im on debian all the time, but the mail program
needs to run from a console/telnet/ssh connection since i ssh to the
machine to read mail off of it.  never really used emacs, but xemacs
..could use it when im at home but couldnt at work unless there is a
binary for IRIX 6.2(cant get a compiler working on it.

ravika >aphro> 8:15am up 112 days, 19:59, 2 users, load average: 1.55, 1.60, 1.70
ravika >
ravika >  and hey , how do put up your $uptime at the end of every mail - do you
ravika >manually add it / is your pine configured to load $uptime when you hit
ravika >'reply' ?

i have thios in my .bashrc :
export PATH=.:$PATH

and have a shellscript called pine in my homedir (would work for any
mail client) :


export TERM=vt100

if [ -f $HOME/.sig ]
rm -f $HOME/sig

cat $HOME/.signature > $HOME/.sig
echo `uptime` >> $HOME/.sig

you dont need to export the path but i dont like to hit ./pine
everytime..got that tip from linux.com's tuning section.


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