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Re: streaming audio? (Re: wav <-> conversion utility)

On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, byoung wrote:

b- >i tried to get the LAME, but wasn't able to.  i'll try that again.

its a good player, and check into not-lame its a breakoff(?) of lame, and
has a different homepage, although the lame page links to it.

b- >btw, to provide streaming audio (i.e., realaudio, unless there is
b- >something else that is easily accessbible by general public), is there an
b- >alternative to the tools sold by realaudio?  i suspect the answer is
b- >obvious no, but i thought i ask nevertheless. 

never say no! :) of course there is, And it's called
MP3. (doh! heheh) Look into getting SHOUTCAST! it provides live streaming
audio via MP3.  Currently the easiest way to get it up and going though is
to get the winamp plugin and use it on a win* box.  Shoutcast is a very
flexible tool, it can take input from any source, encode it in real time
(to whatever bitrate) and send it to the server which streams to the
clients(the server could be localhost).  I had a shoutcast! server that
served 96kbps MP3s to a 24kbps MP3s, using it to serve MP3s is quite
inefficient as it needs to decode the MP3 and re-encode it in real time,
and nothing less then a 200mhz cpu is capable of that for 24kbps anything
higher would kill it(was using a ppro200 with 64mb) There are servers for
win* and *nix. And streamers for win(winamp, among others im sure) and
*nix (mpg123 and xmms among others).  But it works great, as for encoders
that send to the streamers that run under *nix im not aware of any yet but
i havent looked into it for a few months.  There is another option,
ICECAST (http://icecast.linuxpower.com/) It is a open source project that
aims to do the same as shoutcast i believe.  Havent tried it myself
yet.  Shoutcast is available at www.shoutcast.com.

b- >anyway, again, thanx for the information.


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