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Re: your mail

On 4 Dec 1999, Ray Woodcock wrote:

ray-wo >debian:/usr/src# dir
ray-wo >debian:/usr/src#

dont panic thats not a problem :) you just dont have the kernel source
package(s) installed.

ray-wo >In other words, there seems to be nothing in there.  Is this normal?  Also,
ray-wo >when I type “man” at the prompt, I get “command not found.”  In general terms,
ray-wo >is there a diagnostic that verifies I got the whole enchilada installed?

if you mean if you got the whole distribution installed (sorry havent been
following this thread i dont think) go to dselect and run 'install' it
will tell you wether you got all the packages (that you
selected) installed or not.  (to everyone else: is there a way to re
invoke the pre selection process where you can choose profiles? and it pre
selects packages according to what you want).  if there are no errors then
chances are you dont have everything installed.. going to the select
screen..you can select everything you need and install .. there really
isnt any such thing as having 'the whole enchilada' installed.  i believe
it would be impossible to have every package installed because there are
some that cannot co exist with each other. so i cant think of a way that
someone could run such a check.

ray-wo >Microsoft-style bloat.  Am I correct in thinking that dselect is structured in
ray-wo >such a way as to support this fond hope?  Will I bloat if I instead use a
ray-wo >profile?  Is there a way to invoke the profiler outside of the installation
ray-wo >sequence?  (It didn’t arise during installation, for some reason.)

when i do installs i just install everything, except the chinese
support..can always remove stuff later.  i wish i  knew how to re invoke
the profile thing .

ray-wo >schemes?  (b) Point-by-point objective comparisons of versions of Emacs?  (c)
ray-wo >High-quality discussions of various utilities, office suites, etc.?

don't know of any such things off the top of my head, 32bitsonline has
some reviews sometimes.  I am hoping that MaximumLinux
(www.maximumlinux.com) will be a magazine with such information.

ray-wo >4.  Am I roughly correct in thinking that, after the installation is done, the
ray-wo >next thing is to install the windowing/GUI software, and then after that it’s
ray-wo >a free-for-all in which I will just install as many pieces of application
ray-wo >software as I can stomach?  Along those lines, can I rest my faith in Emacs as
ray-wo >my do-all Swiss Army knife, or should I be expecting to install eight trillion
ray-wo >utilities and gizmos?

if you do a full slink install, including say the contrib and non free you
should have practically everything you could want. some things like
netscape and real player cannot be distributed with debian so you gotta
d/l them and use the packages as a front-end to install.. one of the
reasons i chose debian is the MASSIVE amount of packages(and that is the
one reason i am so dissapointed with corel is the LACK of packages)

good luck!


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