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RE: [off-topic] MS Outlook


> It is certainly inexcusable for Outlook to ignore References, as well as
> not give any option for providing them.  MS is the only company I know
> of that wants their stuff to not interoperate with others'.  But NS
> should at least give you a "Terminate Thread" option on reply that would
> clear out the Reference headers.

I know of some other companies.  One example is 3DFX.  For a long time
people applauded the proprietary mini-gl interface they used.  For once,
someone could buy a game knowing it would work with their card if it had the
"3DFX" label on the game.  This was fine when they were the only game in
town and a huge leap above next closest competition.  Just like sound
blaster.  Ultimately, it is market security (like job security on a larger

It became frustrating quickly when TNT cards, and now other cards, began
outpacing 3DFX.  At least with sound blaster one could easily find a sound
blaster compatible.  With 3DFX, other vendors had to use the generic openGL
and face being incompatible with 3DFX.  Now games had to support DirectDraw
(yuck), 3DFX (proprietary mini-gl) and eventually openGL.  This allowed them
to retain market share when they shouldn't have when the competition's cards
were better.

Ultimately, they are getting off their butts again and the next gen looks
really good.  My point:  Had they not had such a death grip on the market,
they would have lost serious market share when the other cards caught up/out
paced them.

My final analysis.  The only good standard is an open standard.  Any company
offering a closed standard or subverting an existing standard is not your
friend.  Due to explosive market pressure, 3DFX is getting much better.
They have no choice.  Microsoft will need much more of the same thing.  I am
convinced competition is the only this that will keep companies honest and
focused on the customer.

I heard SGI is releasing openGL for inclusion in the GPL.  This could be
great for PC graphics.  My fingers are crossed.

It is interesting.  Linus suggested he liked workplace competition between
employees.  I am sure he doesn't mean dog eat dog or one up manship.  I
believe the analogy was regarding the positive effect of competing Linux


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