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Re: What's gone in Corel Linux

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Bart Szyszka wrote:

bart >a different installer and KDE. Can anyone tell me what those
bart >things that were taken out might be? And if a new version of 

from what i saw in beta 2 it was a VERY stripped version of slink.  i bet
it had less then 150 packages(that were selectable during install at
least) i just checked the beta 2 install i ahve going and it has about 295
packages total(that is a full install) its a far cry from a 2000+ package
slink or a 4000+ package potato.

bart >Debian comes out, will it be able to upgrade Corel's or will Corel
bart >be behind Debian in that it will need to wait for it to come out before
bart >they can make their own changes?

don't count on it, im sure it can upgrade some, but chances are very good
that the vast majority of the "modified" corel software won't make it out
of corel's hands and back into the community's hands in time for
potato. and corel is based on slink (glibc2.0.7) many things would break i
bet if you tried to upgrade corel linux to potato without the updated
corel packages.


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