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Re: TCP (over ppp) problem with kernel 2.2.x

On 18 Nov 1999, Miles Bader wrote:

miles >Hi, I have a problem which is driving me crazy: If I use a 2.2.x kernel
miles >(as opposed to 2.0.36), I can't make any network connections (over my
miles >ppp link) that require tcp.  In other works, non-tcp net stuff, like
miles >ping or dns lookup, work fine, but telnets just hang.

check the routing table?  2.2.x handles initialization of routes slightly
differently, although ive never had any probs going from 2.0 to 2.2 (just
upgraded 2 machines yesterday.

and what kernel are you using? exactly ? check your firewall rules
too.. that ipmasq package has been nothin but trouble for me, pisses me
off :)


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