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Potato upgrade and Network

  I recently upgraded over the network to potato from slink
  and then installed linux 2.2.13. I was having the following
  problem. It would come up with endless messages about sent an invalild ICMP error to a broadcast.

  Also ypbind would not work when it booted up, but afterward I
  would type ypbind on the command line and it would be OK. I
  could use ftp, ping to any machine etc; so clearly the routing
  was OK. I had got rid of route add -net etc. from

  In an attempt to get rid of the messages, I thought the broadcast
  address was wrong and I changed it from to which is what the HOWTO's always give. When I booted
  up  it would say
  Starting NIS servives: ypbind 
  and hang indefinitely.

  I thought I would get the rescue disk from ftp.debian.org  ( it is
  for 2.2.12 ) and when I used it  ( using root=dev/hda4 ) it wouldn't
  go further.

  How do I get over this problem?

  Thanks for any suggestions.

  Sebastian Canagaratna

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