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Re: Good News Reader?


* Brian May <bam@snoopy.apana.org.au> writes:

>> unfortunately not MIME-PGP, only clearsigning. Also no automated
>> key-fetching for GPG. But that shouldn´t be too far away.

> Do you mean MIME-PGP support should be coming, too?

I hope so very much.

> Emacs is very big (about 27Mb according to apt, if I remember correctly).

Well, isn´t already one running, anyways? :-)

>> Gnus can do expiry without a gateway (different for each mailgroup
>> if you want), so the "dislike"-points are moot.

> This is one feature I have seen but not yet tested. I noted with
> the latest version of PGnus (0.97?) if I pushed 'g' to get any new
> articles from the group list, then the E flag for all articles
> that I manually marked for expiry were forgotten (is this a bug?)

Hmm, not sure. I use a different style: I tick messages I want
to keep, and the rest is automatically expired after the time I
want (this is for mail, of course). However, I doubt that such a
bug could go unnoticed, so it is probably a feature. (Really, no
joke.)  I would ask on the Ding mailing list (the list dedicated
to the Gnus versions in development, see www.gnus.org), *never*
ask on the regular Gnus newsgroup about development versions.

>> up URLs to tutorials tomorrow or next week.

> Yes please.


 (has a Gnus section)

(There seem to be more tutorials in German than in English :-)

> Please could you explain how you use auto-scoring? I have a vague
> impression of the theory behind how it works, would be interested
> in knowing how to use it in practise.

I don´t do anything specific: enable it [(setq gnus-use-adaptive-scoring
t) in your .gnus] , then let it work. It makes notes about the authors
you are reading and the subjects. (This usually work best if you also
*skip* messages). You can influence the scoring with some options (an
example from my .gnus):

;;* Scoring away stuff I find boring
(defvar gnus-default-adaptive-score-alist
    (gnus-ticked-mark (from 4))
    (gnus-dormant-mark (from 5))
;    (gnus-del-mark (from -4) (subject -1))
    (gnus-read-mark (from 2) (subject 1))
    (gnus-expirable-mark (from -1) (subject -1))
    (gnus-killed-mark (from -1) (subject -3))
;    (gnus-catchup-mark (subject -4)); (from -1))

Adaptive scoring somehow just works for me. Try it two weeks, and it
knows stuff about you your psychiatrist didn´t find out ;-)

 > On Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 04:02:01AM +0000, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>> authors that I dislike slhowly slip below my radar. I like being able
>> to build the score on articles based on several rules, apart from the
>> adaptive learning.

> How do you do this? How do you tell Gnus that you dislike a particular
> author and/or topic?

If you suddenly realize a subject or author is very cool, then press 
I a s p on that message, and it lets you specify a regexp on the
From-line. I s s p is the same for Subject. Etc.


Colin Marquardt <colin.marquardt@gmx.de>

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