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Re: restarting daemons


	This is the way I generally do it, although there are some other
ways.  First, I run "less" or "more" on /var/run/httpd.pid (I am currently
running a Red Hat distro here, but you should look for the same file in
the Debian box which perhaps will be locate somewehere else).  This will
give you the PID currently being used by the httpd process.  At that
point, you can become root and run "kill -HUP [PID]".  For example,

kill -HUP 534

	Incidentally, if you go to the /var/run directory you will also
find some other PIDs for other daemons.  The process for restarting them
would be the same.  

	Another way to do it, at least in the Red Hat box is like this:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart

	Again, as in the other case, you can go down to the
/etc/rc.d/init.d directory and take a look at all the scripts for the
different daemons.  You can actually view the files to see which flags or
arguments they will take.

	I hope this helps.


On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Lev Lvovsky wrote:

> Hello,
> could someone please let me know how to restart all of the apache www
> daemons that are running so that it'll read the changes made in the
> httpd.conf file?
> 'apache restart' doesn't do anything
> is there a generally accepted way of doing this for all 'net daemons?
> also, i'm sruprised nobody knows how to shutoffthe sunrpc daemon (or at
> least that's what I believe it is when I portscan my machine)...any clues
> as to where I could find info on this?
> thank you!!
> -lev
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