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Re: partition this thing!


On Sun, 26 Sep 1999, tf wrote:

> I'm about to install on or move to a new hd, and I'd like to divide it
> up.  I've read faqs and howtos, but I can't help thinking that if I
> partition it by "feel", I'd just end up wasting alot of space.
> Ok, the drive's in another machine right now.  reading it's case, it has
> 6448.6 mb.
> This is my first try at more than swap and /.    tiny /boot, giant
> /home, right?  Anyone feel like helping?

i have a HD about that same size. My setup is as follows:
  Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  /dev/hda1              76M   20M   52M  28% /
  /dev/hda5             729M  243M  448M  35% /home
  /dev/hda6             486M  110M  351M  24% /var
  /dev/hda8             2.1G  1.6G  409M  80% /usr

i also have about 485.30M free for future use. /tmp is a symlink to
/var/tmp (if /tmp is a partition and a user can give boot commands (i.e.
to lilo), it opens a security hole)

If i would repartition again, i'd probably make / only 50M, and maybe take
100M or so from /home. Probably split /usr/local off of /usr, but that's
because i do a moderate amount of development (665M worth at the moment).

No /boot, that fits comfortably in / (and i usually have 2-3 old kernels
installed). / should really only contain /bin, /sbin, /dev, /etc, /lib,
/root, and /boot. None of those should be very big, since Debian follows
the FHS guidelines that only essential things go in any of those.

i'd keep a good sized /var, especially if you symlink /tmp -> /var/tmp.
People will tell you it's not needed, but a week or so ago the thing got
half filled by pump debugging information, logging a good .5K every 30
seconds. So i patched pump to shut it up, rather than deactivate all debug

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