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Re: tailing rotating log files


On Sun, 19 Sep 1999, Jim B wrote:

> Brad: thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.
> The version of tail included with "slink" does not have this functionality.
> What would be the recommended means of upgrading?
> b) get potato source deb and make an slink package, which should take care
> of dpkg's concerns.

This one.

> "b" sounds like a good idea, but I'm not sure how to do it at the moment,
> never built a dpkg package before (I will figure it out).  BUT -- I can't
> find any source debs on ftp.us.debian.org.  Where should I be looking?  I
> see source tarballs and that's it... is this what I should use to build the
> package?  I always thought there was something like the "source rpm" concept
> in .deb format, where the package is all laid out and just needs to be
> re-compiled and re-packaged.

Debian sources are distributes in three parts: the original sources in
packagename.orig.tar.gz, the Debian diffs in packagename.diff.gz, and the
dsc control file in packagename.dsc. (Programs written for Debian, e.g.
dpkg, may lack the diff file). You need all three of these. They should be
in ftp.us.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/main/Sources (or something

You'll also need the dpkg-dev package installed, as well as the -dev
packages for any libraries the package requires. If you get compiler
errors like "foobar.h not found", use the "Search the Contents of the
Latest Release" search engine or grep the Contents file to find out which
- -dev library is needed.

Once you have the three files downloaded into a directory, use the command
"dpkg-source -x packagename.dsc" to extract them. cd to the
packagename-version directory that was created, and use the command
"debian/rules binary". You either need to be root, or you need to use a
program like sudo or fakeroot. If this is successful, you'll end up with a
.deb in .. that you can now install.

The mailing list archives have many more discussions on the topic of
recompiling packages from source.

If you have a recent version of apt, you can use the apt-get source
command to download and unpack those three source files. Check the apt-get
and sources.list manpages and the mailing list archives for more details.

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