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Re: Another mutt question: Copying text

	Subject: Another mutt question: Copying text
	Date: Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 08:57:21AM -0700

In reply to:Mark Wagnon

Quoting Mark Wagnon(mwagnon1@home.com):
> Well, I'm not really sure if this a mutt question, but here goes
> anyway.
[ snip ]
> Is there an easier way to do this? I'd like to be able to cut out
> the middle man (vi in rxvt).

Well I don't use mutt in X very often but do something similar.
I fire up another mutt on another console while I am editing a reply.
Then find the revelant 'other' messages and just use the mouse to
paste the sections in.  NOTE that I get better results on the paste 
if I have done a "set paste" (in Vim) before I paste.  I found this
faster then postponeing the message.

Operator! Trace this call and tell me where I am.

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