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Leafnode question...

I setup leafnode with the following /etc/leafnode.conf

	server = news.newsguy.com
	expire = 30
	username = some_user
	password = some_password
	# port = 8000
	maxfetch = 2000
	initialfetch = 1000
	# delaybody = 0
	# maxcrosspost = 5
	# maxage = 21
	#maxlines = 100
	supplement = news.massena.com

Unfortunately, I'm not seeming to get the groups I would expect.

So now I execute fetch...

	Sith:/usr/doc/leafnode/examples# fetch -fvv
	1.6.2: verbosity level is 2
	Read active groups every 90 days
	Unsubscribe unread groups after 7 days
	Unsubscribe groups that have been read once after 2 days
	Trying to connect to news.newsguy.com ... connected.
	Trying to connect to news.newsguy.com ... connected.
	LIST ACTIVE done 3761 seconds ago, getting all groups
	Read server info from /var/spool/news/leaf.node/news.newsguy.com
	Trying to connect to news.massena.com ... connected.
	LIST ACTIVE done 0 seconds ago, getting all groups
	Read server info from /var/spool/news/leaf.node/news.massena.com

Now I check out what we grabbed...

	Sith:/var/spool/news/leaf.node# ls -l
	total 1
	-rw-rw-r--   1 news     news          271 Sep 17 11:19 groupinfo
	-rw-rw-r--   1 news     news            0 Sep 17 11:19
	-rw-rw-r--   1 news     news            0 Sep 17 11:19
	Sith:/var/spool/news/leaf.node# cat groupinfo 
	control.cancel 0 0 0 -x-
	control.newgroup 0 0 0 -x-
	control.rmgroup 0 0 0 -x-
	pilot.programmer 0 0 0 -x-
	pilot.programmer.codewarrior 0 0 0 -x-
	pilot.programmer.gcc 0 0 0 -x-
	pilot.programmer.jump 0 0 0 -x-
	pilot.programmer.pila 0 0 0 -x-
	pilot.programmer.waba 0 0 0 -x-

It doesn't look like any of the newsguy.com goups were added at all.  Any
would be greatly appreciated, since I can't live without my 
alt.s^H^H^H^H^Hcomp.lang.c++.moderated. =)

It is possible that this is a quirk with newsguy that I have to resolve with
but I didn't see anything in their FAQ.  Also, I have connected via my
windows box
to newsguy and got everything, so my user/password stuff is good.


Jonathan Lupa

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