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cfdisk hates me ("FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 1: Partition ends after end-of-disk"

Hey guys. I am a bit worried.

cfdisk gives me this error:
FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 1: Partition ends after end-of-disk

I, being one of the sort-of-cautious type, am scared.

Here is a nice little output from df:
amidala:/home/sarnold/redwood# df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda6             13411348   1103240  11610889   9% /
/dev/hda1                31077      1348     28125   5% /boot

This is an ibm 14.4 gb hdd.

>From my /var/log/messages file:
Sep  6 23:00:22 amidala kernel: hda: IBM-DTTA-371440, 7559MB w/462kB Cache,

Since things mostly worked, and still mostly work, I sort of ignored this.

Was this a Very Dumb Thing To Do?

Please help me understand this. :)

Seth Arnold | http://www.willamette.edu/~sarnold/
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