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Why lynx asking for a password?!?

Lynx says access denied and then asks me to authorize 'ByPassword'. What I
don't understand is that there are no files or subdirectories within
/var/www/oneclick nor in /var/oneclick.  

I've no idea why it is asking for a password to access the localhosts
documentroot area. I do know I had an htaccess file in there a day or so
ago but have since recursively removed all files and subdirectores from the
documentroot area. Despite no files or folders in there lynx still ask for
password authorization. :(

At first I thought maybe lynx 'remembers' there once was an htaccess file
in there so I've scanned lynx.cfg file for authorization and password
keywords and found nothing. 

Any ideas what could be causing this?


André Bell <debian2@one-click.com>

Give a skeptic an inch... and he'll measure it. 

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