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Migrate them slowly

On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 06:53:54PM -0000, Pollywog wrote:
> I have used Mahogany and have it installed, but it still does not work as
> well as xfmail.  I will try it again when the next package update takes
> place.  Too buggy now.

Yeah, but it looks _really_ promising. The embedded Python is a cool
idea. Once it does threading as well as mutt, I'll look into it

To make it easy for newbies to migrate, we replace their
components one a time under Windows using a windows port of dpkg:
Outlook Express -> Mahogany
Word			-> AbiWord
Excel			-> Gnumeric
Command.com		-> bash (or zsh) with the cygnus tools
Photoshop		-> Gimp
IE				-> Mozilla

a lot of other programs exist for unix that look and function like their
windows counterparts (like icq stuff, xmms, IglooFTP/gftp, et. al).

and then the kicker:
Explorer's UI	-> LiteStep (Afterstep/WindowMaker for windows)

Gradually, a little at a time, we get them used to it. Then, we replace
the kernel. An experienced user helps them set it up, and they already
know how to use the programs. Voila! We have a new Debian user!
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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