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Re: e2fsck w/out boot?

In article <cistron.37BD67F1.491C7C3@cnen.gov.br>,
Guilherme Soares Zahn  <gzahn@cnen.gov.br> wrote:
>Hi there,
>    I was wondering if there' s a way to run e2fsck w/out booting the
>machine... I know I'd have to remount my / partition as read-only, run
>e2fsck & remount the partition as rw, but I can't seem to be able to do
>the first step (the system says / is busy)...

Go to single user mode ("shutdown now", no flags).

>    The reason I ask that is because earlier today X aborted complaining
>of (got it from syslog):
>Aug 20 09:56:26 groo kernel: free_one_pmd: bad directory entry 04000000

This doesn't have anything to do with the filesystem. It means that
something in the virtual memory system is messed up. This can be caused
by a kernel bug or by bad hardware (bad RAM mostly, overclocking, or
wrong BIOS settings).

... somehow I have a feeling the hurting hasn't even begun yet
	-- Bill, "The Terrible Thunderlizards"

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