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Re: Apache: unable to use authentification

You need to specify the "AllowOverride AuthConfig" directive for that
directory in one of the main config files (e.g., /etc/apache/access.conf).


Marc Mongeon <mongeon@bankoe.com>
Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
9100 W Bloomington Fwy
Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
(612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
"It's such a fine line between clever and stupid."
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of "Spinal Tap"

>>> Bart-Jan Vrielink <bartjan@vrielink.net> 08/17 3:00 PM >>>

I'm trying to get Apache (tried the Slink version and the current Potato
version) to use authentification for some directory.
Inside the directory  have the following .htaccess:

AuthType basic
AuthName rinet
AuthUserfile /etc/apache/htpasswd
require user bartjan

When I try to authentificate myself, I get in error.log:

[Tue Aug 17 16:13:20 1999] [error] (13)Permission denied: access to
/rinet/ failed for, reason: Authentication failure

Passwd file was produced with htpasswd and does contain the user bartjan.
I tried to authentificate myself numerous times, so mistyping the password
is not the problem.
auth_module is loaded in httpd.conf

The systems I tested on are Slink systems, but with Potato libc6
(2.1.2-0pre2) and a few other upgrades. Kernels 2.2.5 and 2.2.6

Tot ziens,


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