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Re: How to quit XDM ?

On Sun, Aug 15, 1999 at 12:44:31PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
| This may not be the best way to accomplish what you want, but it
| worked for me. I simply created a directory in /root called
| init.d. I then moved xdm to it. No more xdm at startup. I've
| moved other scripts there too. Things like portmap, and scripts
| that I wrote myself. The whole point of the directory was to
| remind me where they came from in case I messed up.
  Your right, that isn't the best way, though you were smart to back up
  what you were doing.  Take a look at the command update-rc.d to change
  what gets run at start up. As long as you leave one symlink in one of
  the rcx.d directories, package updates will not change what gets run
  at boot. For programs I like to keep around but not have running at
  boot, I remove all of the Sxxxx links in runlevels 2-5, and add a
  Kxxxx link in a runlevel I typically don't use.

Eric G. Miller
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