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README: Reporting Bugs

 We appreciate the bug reports you, as users, submit to the bug
 tracking system.  It helps us improve the software.  When you do find 
 a bug, and wish to report it, please:

 * Use one of the bug reporting tools: `bug' or `reportbug'.  You can
   set your EDITOR environment variable, and it will use your prefered
   editing tool.  It will write in the proper pseudo headers for the
   BTS to parse, and it will fill in the version number and some
   dependancy information.  All you type is the report itself.  This
   makes things easier for both you and the maintainer(s) who will
   read the bug report.

 * !!! Before you submit a bug report, check to see if the bug has
   already been reported !!!  The bugged package's maintainer must do
   work to merge duplicate bug reports, to fix bugs or apply patches
   then upload the new release, and to close reports after the bug has
   been swatted.

   It eases our labor some if you don't re-report bugs that someone
   else has already reported...  UNLESS you have additional
   information that you feel we'll need.  So PLEASE, go to the Debian
   web site, at <URL:http://www.debian.org>, follow the link to the
   bug tracking system, and use the provided interface to look up bugs
   on the package.  Look for ones that might be the similar thing to
   what you've found wrong, and read them.  If you feel the other
   reporter did a good enough job, you're done.

 * If you know how to fix the problem, have the time to do so, and the
   diff is non-trivial, PLEASE take the time to fix the problem and
   submit a patch along with your bug report.  Your patch should be
   accompanied by a `ChangeLog' entry or a short paragraph or two
   itemizing and detailing the modifications.  (See: the GNU Coding
   Standards info documentation for good stuff about ChangeLogs.)
   Please don't send a patch for the ChangeLog, but send a paste-in of
   the relevant entry or entries.  You will be given credit for the
   bugfix, and your patch will be forwarded to the upstream author if
   that is appropriate.  Software doesn't just spring into existance
   into empty *scratch* buffers.  It takes time and effort to produce.
   We appreciate people who help us carry the load.

   (If you're bored and want something to do, go look up bugs on
   things, and submit patches...  I would be good to check with the
   maintainer first, to see if it still needs to be done.)

      Thank you for using and supporting Debian GNU Linux/Hurd!

		Karl M. Hegbloom <karlheg@debian.org>

 (Maybe I'm out on a limb... I'm hoping that the other maintainers
 think the similar way; so maybe I speak for Debian, maybe just for
 myself.  You know how that is.  Either they'll agree that I'm right
 or they won't.)

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