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Re: Back Again - CDRom

*- On 17 Jul, Artur Correia wrote about "Back Again - CDRom"
> OK, 
> As expected, ran into some more problems:
> #1. How the hell do i see the contents of a cdrom? I've tried in the shell mount /dev/hdb and mount /dev/cdrom, but i got a message saying that that file was not in the file fstab or mtab... and, in fact, it isn't. The starnge part is tha if i run dselect with the cd rom with the debian distribution the program accesses the cd and install all the packages from it? So, what do i do?
> Desperately waiting for a solution,
> AC
> Tks

To use the basic 'mount /dev/hdb' you have to have an entry in the fstab
file that gives all the parameters needed to mount the fs.  To do it on
the command line without an entry in the fstab you need to give the
fstype the device  and the mount point as a minimum. See the man page
for mouunt.

mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb /cdrom

If you want to just issue 'mount /dev/hdb' then you will need something
like the following in /etc/fstab, see the man page for fstab and mount.

/dev/hdb  /cdrom  iso9660  noauto,user,ro

Mechanical Engineering                              servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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