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Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

I use the Netscape Mail program and am quite happy with it.

I've recently returned to Netscape Mail from Pegasus, which is nice,
but has a few little annoying things that Netscape doesn't:

  New messages appear in the "New Mail" folder.  Once they move from
there (after reading) they can't be put back, even if you mark messages
as unread.

  If you search for messages by criteria you get a list of matches.
If you select one of them, it opens it (okay so far), but then when
you finish the message and close it, you find that Pegasus has opened
the folder it came from underneath.  This leads to an annoying
repetition of "click on msg, read msg, close msg, close folder

  It also doesn't have Netscape's ease of searching on multiple fields.
You can do it, but you have to parse together a command-line like
search term rather than just clicking on "add another search term"
like Netscape.

  It had a feature to autowrap quoting which I found nice - until I
found it was unreliable in general, *never* worked for multi-level
quoting and tended to auto-italicize (if you have that turned on)
the wrong bits of the message.  Sometimes text around the autowrapped
area even disappeared!

  Like I say, generally little things, but annoying.

  Regardless of what you may think of the Netscape Browser, the
Mail program is really a fairly nice piece of work...

David Woolley wrote:
> > To a certain extent I have to agree, but where I REALLY think Linux lags behind
> > is email. I miss an email client coming close to for instance Outlook Express
> > and The Bat! for Windows (or even Eudora!). The only one is XFmail which
> > currently is not being developed it seems.
> The Outlook family are generally considered broken even by ardent Microsoft
> fans.  They ride rough shod over standards and convention, make it difficult
> to quote sesnibly, don't seem to do blind copies, and will send HTML,
> MS-TNEF and GIF images of the paper almost without warning.
> If you want a free Windows mail program, use Pegasus, preferably one of the
> older ones, as it has gone down hill with the introduction of rich text,
> which is about as broken as Outlook's.  Unfortunately Pegasus is not
> available in source code and Eudora Lite is a teaser for a commercial
> product.
> --
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-------------- Revenant [revenant@interact.net.au] -------------------
"The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak."
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

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