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Re: Mozilla is..errm..slow?

Quoting Christian Dysthe (cdysthe@bigfoot.com):
> I installed Mozilla today on my potato system. It was very slow. I don't know
> how to say this, but if this is how it is supposed to perform it is no better
> than it's "dad" Netscape. In fact, it is "worse".

Yep. Slow as molasses. But I found it was the user interface that was slow,
actual page rendering is faster than ye olde Netscape. I think the "viewer"
program, with the very simple UI, is almost usable as a low-functionality
web browser, but the UI on "apprunner" is so slow that it's useless. In
particular, the scrollbars flicker constantly, indicating it's being
woefully inefficient. I think the problems are probably fixable. It would be
more worrying if it was only "a bit slow".

Still, at this point in time, kfm is looking the more promising open source
web browser. If they make it behave slightly more rationally in KDE 2.0, and
fix that daft Mosaic-style form-scrolling bug, it could replace Netscape as
my primary browser.

Adam Rice -- wysiwyg@glympton.airtime.co.uk -- Blackburn, Lancashire, England

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