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Re: kde apps as .debs??

On Mon, 17 May 1999, Mark Tucker wrote:

>I've got KDE installed on my slink system but I'd like to add some kde
>specific applications.  Are there .deb files out there somewhere for things
>like Korganizer?  Is there some central location where they may be downloaded? 

Sure, there is ftp.kde.org and dozens of mirrors. Take a look at the
mirror list somewhere at www.kde.org.

>If not...
>I tried building Korganizer from source but the configure script complained
>about not being able to find the qt libraries.  I know they are installed
>properly as kde is working well.  Is this a common problem and/or what am I
>doing wrong?

Add QTDIR=/path/to/top/of/qtdir to your environment. If you are using
the qt debs, things are scattered all over the place (ie
/usr/X11R6/...), so take a look at the README files that come with the
source code ;) 

>From the kdebase README:

-- snip --

kdebase's configure script supports all the standard GNU autoconf
options (you can have the various options listed for you by specifying
the --help switch), plus the following options are also supported. 
Note:  the *non* default variation is listed, so if you see
--enable-debug, the default is --disable debug.
     use X include files in DIR

     use X library files in DIR

     creates debugging code [default=no]

     where the root of qt is installed
     look for the Qt header files in DIR
     look for the Qt library in DIR
     look for include files in DIR in addition to any other
     `standard' paths
     look for [extra] libraries in DIR too
HTH. Philip

Philip Lehman <lehman@gmx.net>

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