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Re: Partition Type A0 ??

On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 10:46:22PM -0400, Will Lowe wrote:

> 	I booted it from the 2.1 CD,  and ran cfdisk.  It's a 4.something
> gig drive,  which has 3 partitions:  a 2gig one,  another 2gig one,  a
> 162.5 gig one,  and 7 megs of free space.  The 162.5 gig partition (which
> we'd like to delete) shows up as partition type A0 in cfdisk.

On a recent installfest I ran into that with a Toshiba laptop.  The owner
didn't know what that partition was for, so we removed it (~40 MB) using
linux's fdisk.  We proceeded with the installation, rebooted, and surprise,
surprise, the machine stopped booting!  We disable power saving and all that
stuff, and the machine wouldn't boot.  We removed the hd from the BIOS, and
the machine was able to boot from a floppy.  We recreated the partition
(same type, same place), and the machine worked again.

After reading the manual, which essentially doesn't say a thing about this
partition, I got the impression it's for the "resume/suspend" function of
the laptop.  I don't understand why the machine doesn't even boot without
it, but I learned not to touch those. Ever.


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