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Re: R: 10Gb drive - only 8Gb accessible

Thanks to those who have replied.

Let me recapitulate: 

I have a 10.2Gb disk.

I am using an updated BIOS, which recognises 10Gb of space and does not
attempt to show a geometry.

`sfdisk -s' shows the correct size: 10022040

However, cfdisk actually assigns 8Gb and then considers the disk to be
fully used.

I believe I can get round this by specifying a higher cylinder count than
1024; however, I also need a Windows 95 partition and I don't know how
to get Windows to recognise any changes I may make in Linux.  Windows
also recognises only 8Gb, though the Large disk mini-HOWTO appears to
suggest that it knows about >8Gb disks.

Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
               PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
     "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.  
      Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your  
      hearts, ye double minded."        James 4:8 

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