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mirror only resumes with timeouts not if its killed

hi all,

Im using mirror to keep up with potato , and a few other bits and
My PC is set to fire up at night connect and do its thing.

Now I recently happen to notice that mirror actually resumed a file
<major suprise here> i had never seen it do that before. I had a look at
the code ( eek i know zilch about perl >;0) ) and it does appear to
support resume.

A bit of experimentation and ive found it only resumes files that it has
timed out on, not those that it got "killed" on.

I gather that on time outs it "date/time stamps" the temp
file".in.blahblah" file AFTER timeout and picks this up for resume (
time and names match size doesn't) next time around.

If i kill it ( ie thru ip-down.d ) it does not do this, guess maybe im
killing it the wrong way ( should i use a stick <grin>).
 1) Now is there any way to get it to time stamp the file at the start
of getting it ??
 2) How should i be killing it.

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