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[genoni@cibs.sns.it: (no subject)]

Hi ppl,

this is better answered from you :-)

Ciao, Hanno
|  Hanno Wagner  | Member of the HTML Writers Guild  | Rince@IRC      |
| Eine gewerbliche Nutzung meiner Email-Adressen ist nicht gestattet! |
| 74 a3 53 cc 0b 19 - we did it!          |    Generation @           |

#"Zensur im Internet - Internet Service Provider ergreifen die Initiative"
#	-- Ueberschrift der eco-PE vom 1.Maerz 1996
--- Begin Message ---
good day,
i work on Linux as a System Manager on a cluster of about 20 machines,
Linux Pc and alphas, spark solaris, risk AIX, osf alpha, in Scola
Normale Superiore di Pisa
with lsf for both interactive usage and computation, and about 800
users,since about 3 years.
i use a very personalized SlackWare, 
(all machine boot from a filesystem server and share the same /usr,
while their own installation is about 20 Mb, homes come from an AIX
risk, mounted on the linux filesystem server with fddi and
then being reexported on fast ethernet)
with a sysV system boot written 
by myself and so on.
I'd like to activelly contribute to the LSB with my experience.I've have
tested all new stable and experimental kernels  since 1.3.20.
What should I do to conlaborate with you?
i could make tests on my parallel cluster, and this i think could be
very interesting for you.
(i actualy use kernel nfs for all)

Thanx and excuse my english
Luigi Genoni
Unix System manager Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Unix System Consultant S.I.A
Unix System Administrator O.N.E

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