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Re: use the Windowkeys

* Pierfrancesco Caci <ik5pvx@penny.ik5pvx.ampr.org>:
> :-> "Per-Olof" == Per-Olof Widstrom <pow@big.du.se> writes:
>     >  Is there a way to have some use for the windowskey on the keyboard?
>     > I would like to put / in one of the windowkeys, and ~ on the other one.
>     > Is there  a howto or something?

I've used those keys for something different, but you may like that,
or else someone else may...
These are the lines of interest in my ~/.Xmodmaprc

keycode 0x73 =	Meta_L
keycode 0x71 =	Mode_switch Multi_key #I use a swedish keybooard.
                                      #Your mileage may vary.
keycode 0x74 =	Meta_R
keycode 0x75 =	Menu

clear Mod1
clear Mod3
clear Mod4

add    Mod1    = Alt_L Meta_R
add    Mod3    = Mode_switch
add    Mod4    = Meta_L Menu

Which I call in my ~/.xsession with
xmodmap .Xmodmaprc

This lets me use Mod_4 for all windowmanager stuff like selecting,
minimizing, maximizing etc. This way I don't have to use Alt-Ffoo
but instead i can use Win-X to maximize, without worrying that I
loose the possibility to use a keyboard shortcut in any application.

Also swedish keyboards don't have a real Alt-key to the right of
the spacebar which is annoying in netscape for instance - if I'm
on the phone or whatever and only have one hand for typing I can't
go back and forth without using the mouse. This way I have both the
Alt- and Win-keys on both sides of the spacebar.

> Also I would like to be able to get a compose key to work with a us
> keyboard, so that I can generate accented vowels needed in italian language.

I think this is the same as my Alt-Gr which generates Mod_3, so perhaps
you could just bind some key to Mod_3.

Ulrik Haugen <qha@lysator.liu.se>
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you
do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will
understand why I dismiss yours." -- Stephen Roberts

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