RE: DSelect and ftp
> > That'd definitely be a problem, but I'm not sure how it'd come about; why
> > would a modem respond to `ATZ' with `NO CARRIER'?
> Simple enough - the modem wasn't in command mode, it was at the end of
> the previous dial
Oh, of course. Didn't think of that.
> (that failed) but somehow the modem wasn't put back in command mode when
> ppp or whatever gave up.
[to Helge Hafting] Possibly it hadn't timed out yet - long timeouts can
give rise to Heisenbugs :-)
> So dialer sends ATZ to a modem that is dialling already. This normally
> makes the modem give up the dialling asap, and return NO CARRIER. Trying
> ATZ again will usually work.
[to Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven] So, once it fails with that, does trying again
help? Does it at least give a different error message?
No, it doesn't. However, I did find a way to make a connection. I installed minicom from floppy, using dpkg -i. In minicom I can make a connection by typing ADTDE14 at the command screen. The number 4 is my providers number for PPP + PAP. After typing ATDTE14 in minicom, it shows the following on the screen:
DEMOS Login:
This enables me to log in. But I can't get it working with pon (using pppconfig). Perhaps it is a PAP problem?
After establishing a connection with minicom, dselect still fails to connect to the ftp-site. Dselect gives the following error message:
FTP ERROR - error at /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/ line 81 <STDIN> chunk 14.
query/setup returned error exit status 1
So I have a connection but dselect ftp still doesn't work. Do you have any idea what could be the source of this problem?
I found some additional information about the cable modem:
The cable modem supports a limited number of Hayes command. The modem starts in command mode.
Command: Discription
ATZZZ Resets the modem and returns the manufacturers copyright message.
AT&D0 Disables DTR
AT&D1 Enables DTR (default)
All other AT commands will return OK.
Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven
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