RE: workman and sound
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:
>On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:
>> It has to be said that I can only play CDs as root, despite chgrping
>> /dev/cdrom to audio, and adding myself to /dev/cdrom....
>OK, so all I had to do was make /dev/hdc world-readable <sigh>
Again .. you do not have to change ANY permissions. Type ls -l filename..
My cdrom is on /dev/hdh so 'ls -l /dev/hdh' shows
brwxrwx--- 1 root disk 34, 64 Apr 26 1998 /dev/hdh
Do the samething you did with your /dev/audio groups but add yourself to
the group 'disk' like so 'adduser user disk'
Make sure you always check the owner and group of files before you change
permissions. It's usually much safer to add yourself to a group then
changing permissions. Really try to understand how permissions and
ownership (including group ownerships) work. This is a big step in
advancing your linux knowledge.
Having fun yet :-)
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