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Re: Starting KDE at boot time


On Fri, 8 Jan 1999 MallarJ@aol.com wrote:

> 1) About runlevels, I currently run at level 2, do I just change the value in
> the inittab to 5 and be done with it?  or are there more things to consider?

You can do that.  Is that really something you need to do, though?

> 2) I figured out how xdm starts.  Init does it via the rc.* files.  All of
> them link back to /etc/init.d/xdm - a script that does the dirty work.  It
> uses start-stop-daemon to actually start the xdm program.  Question is, I need
> to start kdm instead of xdm.  Is it acceptable to just rename the xdm program
> to xdm.old and put a link to kdm in it's place?  or is it better to change the
> script to start kdm?

There should be a /etc/init.d/kdm file that starts KDM for you.  The
symlinks should have been created in the appropriate /etc/rcX.d
directories as well.  All you should have to do is edit /etc/X11/config so
it says start-kdm instead of start-xdm.

> 	The startx is self-explanatory.  The startkde brings up the kwm and other KDE
> utils that bring up the desktop.  There are actually 5 or 6 things that get
> started.  How do I get all of these to come up when kdm starts?  The
> instructions with KDE didn't help much.  Should I just add these to the bottom
> of the xdm script in init.d?  Or is there a better way to do it?

No no no, that would be bad.  You do not want kwm, kfm, kpanel, and all
that other stuff to be running when kdm is up.  You want those things
to run AFTER the person gives a valid login/passwd combo to KDM.  Having
all those things running along with kdm would be a lot like having an
xterm up on your xdm screen.  What's the point in having the login screen
there when there's already a root shell up???

You should edit /etc/X11/window-manages and put startkde alone on the
first line.  The first line of that file is the default window manager.
Of course, we know that startkde isn't a window manager, but it will run
the window manager, and everything is good.


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