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Re: netscape, slink, bus error

	Sorry, I wrote my previous reponse assuming this message was a CC copy.  When I
realized this message was a different one, it was too late, I had already sent
the other message.

Rick Venable wrote:
> I purged all my netscape stuff, and tried a clean install of 4.5 from
> the frozen slink distro at ftp.debian.org, and actually got the binary
> installed this time.  Unfortunately, it still fails with a "bus error".

	Hmmm, people did mention the bus error around the same time as the xlib6g
mistake (no locale dir) triggered a lot of Netscape failures.  Unfortunately, I
never saw the 'bus error', only the 'missing locale' problem.  I assumed then
that the bus error was related somehow to the missing locale dir, even though I
personally never saw it.

> On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
> >       XNLSPATH isn't the problem (It was only suggested as a
> > possible problem).  The locale problem (which I thought was solved a
> > long time ago - did you recently upgrade to slink?)  occurs because of
> > a missing /usr/lib/X11/locale directory.  Check this directory.  If
> > this isn't there (or its empty, or its a symlink) you can get this
> > locale directory from the xlib6g (part of X11) package (
> > Confirm by checking for the existence of */locale/C/XLC_LOCALE (this,
> > IIRC, is what NS is looking for).
> /usr/lib/X11/locale is empty, but xlib6g ( is installed.


	00:53am ~$ dpkg -L xlib6g


	Something is very wrong here.  My version of xlib6g, (, is the same
as yours.  You *should* have a locale dir!  Try downloading xlib6g manually and
using dpkg to install it.

Ed C.

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