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Re: Creating fake packages

*- Dave Swegen wrote about "Creating fake packages"
| Is there any way of creating fake packages just to fulfill dependencies?
| The reason I ask is because I have some old programs and libs which I
| don't have the sources for any more, and some debs depend on their
| equivalent packages. It just seems daft spending time and money DLing
| sources or packages when I've got them already on my system. Any hints
| much appreciated.
| Cheers
| 	Dave

You can look at the "equivs" package.  I have never used it but I just
know it is there.  Here is the quote from the Description:

Description: Circumventing Debian package dependencies
 This is a dummy package that makes Debian's package management
 system believe that equivalents to packages on which other
 packages do depend on are actually installed.
 Deinstallation of this package is only possible when all pending
 dependency issues are properly resolved in some other way. A more
 brutal approach for it's deinstallation is to create and install
 'equivs' configured using an empty "/etc/equivs.conf" (or simply
 delete it) to remove all of the existing dependencies with any
 installed package on the system.
 Please note that this is a crude hack and if thoughtlessly used
 might possibly do damage to your packaging system. And please
 note as well that using it is not the recommended way of dealing
 with broken dependencies. Better file a bug report instead.

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
							   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering                              servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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