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Re: lp accounting -- lprng [pages?]

Marcelo> Right after I sent the previous message with a similar
Marcelo> subject I realized lpd runs as lp group lp. I changed the
Marcelo> ownership of /var/log/lp-acct and now it works. 

I don't know the answer to your actual question.  

But as for ensuring that all the permissions and so forth on all of
the required log, lock, spool etc files, you can use the "checkpc"
command that is part of lprng. By default it just checks the
permissions, but if you give it the -f flag, it will attempt to fix
any problems too.


  Gilbert Laycock                 email:          gtl1@mcs.le.ac.uk
  Maths and Computer Science,     http://www.mcs.le.ac.uk/~glaycock
  Leicester University            phone:         (+44) 116 252 3902

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