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Re: Was the release of Debian 2.0 put on Linux Announce?

On Mon, 3 Aug 1998 servis@purdue.edu wrote:

> I'm sorry but those people are ignorant then. Tell them to use
> Windows98 it must be far superior to any Linux since it is at version
> 98!
> Jeez,
> -- 
> Brian 

Brian, these people do not use Windows, they want to use Unix because that
is what they know. They are just not familliar with Linux in general. They
never touch the internet after work and in general, have lives. They are
not Unix illiterate, they are Linux illiterate. 

You guys need to get out of your little world and step back and look and
the big picture. Yes, there are a lot of people using Linux and just about
everyone has heard the word before. Most in the commercial Unix world have
never seen a Linux machine running, have never considered installing one
until very recently or have just run into it.  In our case, the old-timers
were laughing Linux off as another toy OS (and in some ways  the 2.0
kernels are) and it has not been until they started getting questions from
customers that they start coming to me and asking because I am the company
Linux advocate.

These are people that work all day on computers and do not want to look at
one when they get home.  They are not computer hobbyists.

George Bonser

Microsoft! Which end of the stick do you want today?

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