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Re: Lapack question

On: Sat, 04 Jul 1998 09:03:59 +0000 Ionut Borcoman at debian writes:
> chrislee@lavash.ius.cs.cmu.edu wrote:
>> I use the cfortran header file from this location
>> ftp://zebra.desy.de/cfortan
>> to build prototypes for BLAS and Lapack functions.
> I've finally understood how to make the headers. Now I can make them by
> myself.
I> A more general question: is there a way to find out what
I> functions are in a lib and what argumenst do they need ?
>> bash$ nm {libfilename}
> Any whay to find out the arguments the functions from a lib require ?
> The nm seems to output just the names of the functions.

In C++ libraries the argument types are encoded in the functions name.
In a "normal" library there is not way to get this information (This
is one of the reason header files are really neccessary).


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