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Re: Virtual Consoles


> I wish to screen to clear after booting my system but using agetty this is not
> possible, I have tried using mingetty and this does what I require, but I am
> wondering if there is anyreason agetty was chosen (i.e Does it support some
> features mingetty does not, when used for virtual consoles)?

I can't answer that question, unfortunately, but I am quite satisfied with

If you wish to clear the screen after every logout, it is rather simple and
it can be done by putting this line into /etc/profile:

trap clear EXIT

and it means that when bash catches the EXIT signal it executes clear before
it exits. And so you'll have a perfectly clear screen after every logout.

I do not think it is wise to have your first VC clean immediately after
bootup as you can miss some error messages (and forget to look into
/var/log/messages ;-) .

Everything the best,

                      * Peter Paluch                  *
                      * Kukucinova 939/35             *
                      * 024 01 Kysucke Nove Mesto     *
                      * Slovakia, Europe              *
                      * ----------------------------- *
                      * tel: +421 826 421 2542        *
                      * e-mail: peterp@frcatel.utc.sk *

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