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Re: Problem

Unless I am hopelessly dense (a distinct possibility) the 1024 cylinder
'limit' is a BIOS/ROM specific issue and that there are now motherboards
with BIOS/ROMs that no longer impose that limit (and that this situation
has existed for a long enough period of time that virtually all newer
machines will not have the problem).

I am almost as much an anti-PC hardware bigot as I am an anti-M$ bigot
and have been 'flamed' several times (even on this list) for my 'style'
of discussing this issue.

      bleach@BellSouth.net  b.leach@Worldnet.att.net
           b.leach@usa.net  LinuxPC@Hotmail.com
from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
"The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
         See!  They do get some things right!

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