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Re: Help with Hard drive error messages

----Original Message-----
From: pat@patoche.org <pat@patoche.org>
To: Daniel Mashao <daniel@comgate.ee.uct.ac.za>
Cc: Debian Mailing List <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 3:36 AM
Subject: Re: Help with Hard drive error messages

>Le 10-Dec-98, Daniel Mashao a pris ses électrons pour écrire:
>>> >  hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
>>> I got these errors after I recompiled the kernel with the option
>>> 'Intel 82371 PIIX Triton DMA support'.  I have this chipset but
>>> it caused DMA errors and trashed files.
>> Thanks Rick. Your observations seems true. I unselected the Triton DMA
>> support and so far I have not seen those error messages. Somehow the
>> developer of this module ought to know about this problem.
>> I think it may also have to do with a system that has a SCSI disk. Does
>> everyone experiencing this problem have a SCSI disk? I have several
>> machines and I only see this problem with machines that have a SCSI disk.
>Somewhat related
>I've a debian 2.0 kernel 2.0.36 with *no* SCSI disks, and i see the
>{DriveReady SeekComplete Error } also
>(but not the other one)
>i think i have also my kernel with Intel Triton support.
>and i have also some stranges memory/disk problems, the system with 64Mo
>crashing a lot of mine, and now with only 16Mo, not crashing but
>making strange things to disks (like when rebooting, it's stuck at LIL-
which i
>repaired by booting with floppy and relaunching lilo, but it's strange
isn't it
>(if someones has a clue...it's a pentium MMX and i got same problemes with
>2x32Mo EDO, 1x64Mo SDRAM, 2x32Mo SDRAM)

I have the 2.0.36 kernel *with* a scsi paralell zip drive. I get a very
similar error message upon boot up. I too have a triton chipset and have
support for it compile in however, when I try to boot it I get

-----attempts to mount the drive--------
hda: irq_timeout: status=0x5a { DriveReady SeekComplete ....Index}
ide: disabled DMA
hda: reset: sucess
Error in loading shared libraries
/lib/libc.so.6 undefinded symbol __N_C_CL_Class_

And that's it. Forgive me if the error message isn't perfect, I'm typing it
out of memory since I am at work and only have my windows 98 machine with

I initially thought it could be an irq problem, but my IDE controller is on
IRQ 14 just like it's supposed to be. And my old kernel (2.0.34 installed by
the setup CD) worked just fine. I've also tried disabling DMA by not
compiling it, and by turning it off at the bios level...nothing... During my
millions of re-compiles that I've tried, I've found that occasionally it
will just hang after the hda: reset: sucess part. (It's pretty funny seeing
"sucess" as the last word in a failed boot. Perhaps the developers should pu
in smiley in there ;)

I'll write a better message later when I get home, that has definately the
correct error message.


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