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Re: TIOCSER?WILD Boot Error!

Ossama Othman writes:
>> Ever since I switched to the dev kernel, I've had the following
>> message on boot:
>> TIOCSER?WILD ioctl obsolete, ignored
>> I doesn't sound dangerous or anything, but a boot error just doesn't
>> look good. So does anyone know how I could fix this? Is it a bug, just 
>> like the SIOCADDR thingy?
>It was my understanding that the SIOCADDR boot error was not a bug in the
>kernel since the dev kernel now sets up routing automatically and an
>explicit call to "route" is no longer needed. Perhaps your TIOCSER*
>problem is related.  Check out the Documentation directory in your kernel
>source directory.  It may contain files that explain the error/warning.

I've noticed now that the message has something to do with the serial
ports. I find nothing in the kernel docs. What file(s) in init.d (or
elsewhere) do stuff with the serial ports? I do not use the serial
ports, as I don't have a modem connection nor a serial mouse.

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