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Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?


}-> Hello Kent West <westk@heir.acu.edu>,
}-> > Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
}-> > dselect session, etc? 
}-> Yes.
}-> > And if I can, once I'm in X, how do I then get back to where I can see how
}-> > original vterm, 
}-> Yes and yes.
}-> One nice thing you might like to do is set the environment variable
}-> > or can I bring up the process in an Xterm or something similar?
}-> No. Except, hmm, I don't know how you would do that. You might be
}-> able to take the /dev/ttyXX from the vt and put it in an xterm.
}-> But in general, no. The program runs where it's started. If it's an
}-> X program, it looks at the DISPLAY variable and shows up there.

he wants to start a programm in a vt and move to the background - start x -
and then raise it from the back into the front (of an xterm)

- this procedure can be done with "screen" i think, with it it´s possible if
i remember the description of a friend correctly ??
- i´ve just tried it for five minutes ;-)

until next mail ;)             . ___ ---___              .--.      
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 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  lead@gmx.de  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  |   |     o|   |
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