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Re: kernel modules -- why are they incompatible?


I have a feeling that the people working on the Kernel agree with you.  The reason I say this is because last night when I was setting up my config for compiling 2.1.128, I noticed a new option that does allow you to use *other* kernel version modules.  This is a step in the right direction...


Jeff Miller

>>> Hamish Moffatt <hamish@debian.org> 11/19/98 9:11:00 PM >>>
Why are kernel modules incompatible between builds and between versions?
For example, I have a box running 2.0.34 which I don't want to reboot, but
I want to "insmod eql" which wasn't compiled with the kernel. Using the
module from another 2.0.34 box gets me

yodeller# insmod eql
./eql.o: unresolved symbol dev_get_R6bfd1638
./eql.o: unresolved symbol dev_kfree_skb_R9b548e71
./eql.o: unresolved symbol register_netdev_R151649b5
./eql.o: unresolved symbol unregister_netdev_Reac28925
./eql.o: unresolved symbol dev_queue_xmit_R668d85ca

Trying to use precompiled modules packages usually gets the same
response for me (eg ftape). Similarly precompiled modules for one
kernel version never work on another; should/shouldn't they?

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD              hamish@debian.org, hamish@rising.com.au 
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