Re: Emacs keybinding of Ctrl-[
On 2 Oct 1998, Andy Spiegl wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working with an US-keyboard, but typing German texts in XEmacs.
> So I tried to teach XEmacs (v19.11) to give me the umlauts if I press
> the corresponding keys together with CTRL. This works fine for all
> keys except for u-umlaut which would end up being on CTRL-[ :
C-[ is the same as ESC, I think. So that's your problem. Maybe if you
redefine ESC, but you probably don't want to do that.
Do you have an alt or meta or compose key you could use? You could use
Xmodmap to remap right alt or right control to Hyper or Compose or some
other key not found on US keyboards. Then you could use that for your
Emacs bindings. You'd have to work out the details but I bet you could
make it work. Then your regular Emacs bindings will be unaffected, since
you could use left alt and control for those.
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