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Samba doesn't know host name

I installed Samba on my debian box the other day, but haven't figured out
how to use it very well yet. At the time the box was named "sheasbys".
Today I changed the hostname to "jonah". I did this by changing the name in
/etc/hostname and then by issuing the command "hostname -F/etc/hostname".
Now when I run "testparm smb.conf" from /etc, I get an error about not
being able to GetMyhostname jonah. 

I also needed to move the PC, so I shut it down; when I rebooted I also
noticed that there was an error on bootup about not being able to get the
name jonah; this error had something to do with printing. If you need the
exact text, let me know where I can find a log file that might have it and
I'll post it.

Did I do something wrong in renaming the computer?

TIA, Kent
Kent West			| Technology Support/                 		|
Abilene Christian University	| Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724	|
ACU Station, Box 29005	| E-MAIL: kent.west@infotech.acu.edu		|
Abilene, TX  79699-9005	| Ham:    KC5ENO, General			|

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