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Fwd: /usr/local

This came to me but was supposed to arrive at the list (but the list
address had an extra "s"). I've forwarded it to the list. (Sorry I don't
know enough about Linux to address your question.)  --Kent

>X-Envelope-Sender: rsilva@ime.usp.br
>Resent-Date: 22 Sep 1998 17:37:45 -0000
>Resent-From: rsilva@ime.usp.br
>Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 14:37:45 -0300 
>From: "Paulo J. da Silva e Silva" <rsilva@ime.usp.br>
>To: debian-users@lists.debian.org
>Subject: /usr/local
>X-Mailer: VM 6.32 under Emacs 20.2.3
>Resent-To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
>X-Mailing-List: <debian-user@lists.debian.org> archive/latest/19439
>X-Loop: debian-user@lists.debian.org
>Resent-Sender: debian-user-request@lists.debian.org
>I would like to ask a question. I noticed that some important packages in
>(Latex and Emacs, for example) write in /usr/local during installation (at
>least they create directories there).
>Well, our local system administrator is having problem with this. It has
>decided to mount /usr/local using nfs as read only (then you would have an
>unique copy of /usr/local in all machines). When he tries to install any
>package that writes in /usr/local it aborts installation.
>He figured a temporary solution. He simply unmounts /usr/local after
>installing and then the install scripts are smart enough to deal with this.
>Is there any better solution?
>Other point, why this new behavior? I thought /usr/local was an administrator
>Thank you all.
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Kent West			| Technology Support/                 		|
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